German Language Game: Keine Schule

German Language Game
: "Keine Schule" (No school).
Learn and practice 16 basic German words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
Our games are for Mid to High Beginners who are ready to go to the next level.
The context: On a Saturday, Michael and his cousin Julia are walking through the old part of Frankfurt where Julia shows him the famous "Römerberg".

This brief episode is also in our German 1 course, a series of mini-stories about Michael's travels in Germany. In the course, you learn and practice 750 basic everyday words.
(To play the full course for FREE just register HERE.)
As you play, say the words, phrases and sentences OUT LOUD.
It's a good way to improve your conversational German and practice your pronunciation.

Words in German Mini-Story Language Game

  • der nächste Tag - the next day
  • der Samstag - the Saturday
  • sie hat - she has [haben]
  • die Schule - the school
  • keine Schule - no school
  • sie will - she wants [wollen]
  • zeigen - to show
  • sie gehen - they walk, go [gehen]
  • über den Römerberg - across the Römerberg
  • er heißt - his/its (m) name is
  • der Marktplatz - the market square
  • das Gebäude - the building
  • dort drüben - over there
  • das Rathaus - the city hall
  • wirklich - really
  • schön - beautiful

When you learn new words in the context of a simple story, you'll remember them better.
And, writing out words by hand and saying them out loud helps you learn the spelling along with the meaning and the pronunciation.
If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

More Than a German Language Game

Don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?"
(The literal meaning of "Blüten," is blossoms in German. But the German word Blüten has another meaning that may surprise you.)
Just login HERE.
And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

German Language Game: Eine gute Idee

German Language Game: "Eine gute Idee" (A good idea).
Play this mini-story to learn and practice 18 basic German words and phrases in context.
Our games are for Mid to High Beginners.
The setting: The home of Michael's aunt and uncle in Frankfurt.
Michael asks his uncle about family photos and explains why he wants them.

This brief episode is also part of German 1. The course is a series of mini-stories about Michael's travels in Germany. In the course, you learn and practice 750 words.
(You can play the full course for FREE by registering HERE.)
As you play, try to say the words, phrases and sentences ALOUD.
That way you'll improve your conversational German and sharpen your pronunciation.

Words in German Mini-Story Language Game

  • das Mittagessen - the lunch
  • beim Mittagessen - at lunch
  • er fragt - he asks [fragen]
  • der Onkel - the uncle
  • du hast - you have (familiar) [haben]
  • die Bilder - the pictures [das Bild, n]
  • die Großeltern - the grandparents
  • von deinen Großeltern - of your grandparents
  • warum? - why?
  • ich möchte - I'd like [mögen]
  • die Geschichte - die Geschichte
  • unsere Familiengeschichte - our family story
  • die Idee - the idea
  • eine gute Idee - a good idea
  • das Fotoalbum - the photo album
  • alt - old
  • unser altes Fotoalbum - our old photo album
  • der Großvater - the grandfather

Grammar Tips: Don't focus on grammar, just learn to become aware of typical language patterns.
As you continue to read and listen to German, such patterns will become more and more familiar.

Word order in yes-no questions: 

  • Du hast Bilder. - You have pictures.
  • Hast du Bilder? - Do you have pictures?

    Note: you invert subject and verb.

    Bei - meaning "at":

    • das Mittagessen - the lunch
    • beim Mittagessen - at lunch [beim = bei dem]

    Compound words:

    • die Familie + die Geschichte = die Familiengeschichte (the family story)
    • das Foto + das Album = das Fotoalbum (the photo album)
    • der Mittag + das Essen = das Mittagessen (the lunch)
    • groß + der Vater = der Großvater (the grandfather)

    Note: the last part of a compound word determines the gender.

    To best remember new words at this level is to learn them in chunks (phrases) and in the context of a simple story.
    Writing them out is a good way to learn the spelling as well as the meaning.
    And always say the words and phrases out loud.
    If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

    More Than a German Language Game

    Don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?"
    (The literal meaning of "Blüten," is blossoms in German. But the German word Blüten has another meaning that may surprise you.) Just login HERE.
    And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

    German Language Game: Er schläft

    German Language Game
    : "Er schläft" (He sleeps).
    A mini-story to practice 14 basic German words and phrases in context.
    The setting is the home of Michael's aunt and uncle in Frankfurt.
    Michael has just arrived on an overseas flight.

    This mini-story is also part of German 1, our course especially for Mid to High Beginners.
    In the course, you'll learn and practice 750 basic German words and phrases.
    (You can play the full course for FREE by registering HERE.)
    Always say the words, phrases and sentences ALOUD as you play.
    You'll not only practice pronunciation, but you'll be able to remember the words much better.

    Words in German Mini-Story Language Game

    • er trinkt - he drinks
    • der Orangensaft - the orange juice
    • die Küche - the kitchen
    • sie zeigt ihm - she shows (to) him
    • das Zimmer - the room
    • er bringt - he brings, takes
    • der Koffer - the suitcase
    • das Gästezimmer - the guest room
    • müde - tired
    • er schläft - he sleeps
    • sie weckt ihn - she wakes him
    • sie ruft - she calls
    • wach auf! - wake up! (familiar)
    • Zeit zum Mittagessen - time for lunch

    Grammar Tips: Don't worry about the grammar, just be aware of some of the basic language patterns.
    You'll start noticing certain patterns again and again when you read and listen more.
    With time you'll automatically recognize such patterns and understand their meaning.
    Grammar is best learned in context, gradually and in small doses. That's what works for me.

    Regular present tense, 3rd person:

    • trinken - er trinkt
    • zeigen - sie zeigt
    • bringen - er bringt
    • wecken - sie weckt
    • rufen - sie ruft

    Irregular present tense, 3rd person (note the vowel change):

    • schlafen - er schläft

    Direct object, masculine noun (note the -n ending):

    • der Orangensaft - Er trinkt seinen Orangensaft. (masc. noun)
    • der Koffer - Er bringt seinen Koffer. (masc. noun)

    Masculine Pronouns: ihn vs ihm

    • Sie weckt ihn. - She wakes him. (direct pronoun object)
    • Sie zeigt ihm .... - She shows (to) him ...  (indirect pronoun object)

    A good way to memorize new vocabulary is to learn the words in chunks (phrases) and in a context that you can remember.
    Write them out by hand on a sheet of paper or in a small booklet helps you to learn the spelling and to remember the meaning.
    And of course, say the words and phrases out loud whenever you can.
    If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

    More Than a German Language Game

    Don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?"
    (The literal meaning of "Blüten," is blossoms in German. But the German word Blüten has another meaning that may surprise you.)
    Just login HERE.
    And, if you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

    German Language Game: Willkommen

    German Language Game: "Willkommen" (Welcome).
    Learn and practice 18 basic German words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
    The setting is the home of Michael's aunt and uncle in Frankfurt.

    This mini-story is also part of our German 1 course.
    (You can play the full course for FREE by registering HERE.)
    Always when you play, pronounce the words, phrases, and sentences OUT LOUD.

    Words in German Mini-Story Language Game

    • Willkommen - Welcome
    • bei uns zu Hause - at our house
    • ich bin froh - I'm glad
    • dass - that (conjunction)
    • hier - here
    • danke - thanks
    • nein danke - no thanks
    • vielleicht - maybe
    • du möchtest - you would like (familiar)
    • essen - to eat
    • etwas - something, a little
    • später - later
    • der Orangensaft - the orange juice
    • trinken - to drink
    • das wäre prima - that would be great
    • komm! - come! (familiar)
    • mit mir - with me
    • in die Küche - to the kitchen

    The best way to memorize new vocabulary is to learn the words in chunks, in a context that you can remember.
    Writing them out on a sheet of paper or on small index cards is also good.
    And, say the words and phrases out loud whenever you can.
    If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

    More Than a German Language Game

    Don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?"
    (The literal meaning of "Blüten," is blossoms in German. But the German word Blüten has another meaning that may surprise you.)
    Just login HERE.
    If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

    German Language Game: Jemand

    Quick German Language Game: "Jemand" - Someone.
    Learn and practice 11 German words and phrases in the context of a mini-story.
    The setting is the Baggage Claim at the Frankfurt International Airport. Michael runs into the woman who sat beside him in the airplane.
    This mini-story is also part of our German 1 course. (You can play the full course for FREE by registering HERE.)
    Practice the words, phrases, and sentences OUT LOUD.

    Words in German Mini-Story Language Game

    • abholen - to pick up (separable prefix verb)
    • sie holt ab - she picks up, she's picking up
    • jemand - someone
    • meine Tante - my aunt
    • mich - me (direct object)
    • wo - where
    • sie wohnt - she lives
    • ich wohne - I live
    • auch - also
    • auf - on
    • die Straße - the street

    A good way to memorize new vocabulary, is to look at the list of words and sound them out.
    Even better, also write them out on a sheet of paper or on small index cards.
    If you like our games, please SHARE us with your friends.

    More Than a German Language Game

    And don't forget: You can practice German online for FREE with our 36-Scene German 1 Story: "Michael in Deutschland" and our 72-Scene German 2 Mystery Story Sequel: "Blüten in Berlin?".
    (If you already know that "Blüten" means blossom in German - you'll learn that Blüten has still another meaning...).
    Just login HERE.
    If you have any language questions  - don't hesitate to contact us!

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